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 Phil morris MBE

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Phil  Morris MBE is the founder of testicular cancer UK, formerly


He is a former soldier from Wirral and was educated at Pensby High School.


He first had testicular cancer stage 2 in 2003 and felt there was no support for men going through testicular cancer He knew that if he had someone to talk to when going through chemotherapy who had been in that situation it would have helped.


He had depression post-cancer because of the lack of support, he is an ex-soldier and knows that most battles are lonely but even just a "Hello mate, am I meant to feel this tired while on chemo?" and a bit of advice from another man who knows how it feels would have helped.


He decided while still having treatment that he didn't want to start a big awareness campaign but just to let it be known that support is there if needed and to throw himself forward to be that point of contact if anyone needed a friend and a bit of advice.

​ whose main aim was support and advice was soon online in 2003 after backing from British drumming legend Steve White offered to pay to fund the website.


Over the years it grew to an international hub for support, advice and awareness with the support line and forum being used by thousands of men from across the globe.


Testicular Cancer UK was always personally funded by Phil until 2009 when he decided to become a charity so he could expand educational talks to schools, army bases and workplaces.


Phil's cancer returned in 2015 and this time it was far worse than the original case, with 6 golf ball-sized tumours behind his stomach and extensive BEP chemotherapy. 


Luckily Phil survived the second journey through testicular cancer although it has now with so much chemo over the years been detrimental to his overall health, but he's still here with us manning the phone line and forum and doing awareness sessions to schools and army bases across the UK


Phil does not do this full-time and only does the awareness talks in his spare time outside his normal day job.

Testicular Cancer UK is manned by many brilliant survivors who offer help and awareness who have become like brothers and there is now a friendly community 


Every year Phil got as many survivors together to climb Mt Snowden in North Wales and have a memorial to the men who have died from testicular cancer over the years, one year almost 400 overall turned up to join him.


Some men call Phil the patron saint for testicular cancer.


His main aim and always will be is not to fill the bank, but make sure men have someone to talk to going through cancer.


He was awarded the MBE in 2021.






"I meet new wonderful people everyday doing this."

Contact Phil

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