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testicular cancer Recovery

Bep and EP chemotherapy

Post-BEP or EP Chemotherapy Recovery Time


Recovering after BEP or EP chemotherapy may vary from person to person. Typically, you'll start feeling better approximately three weeks after completing your treatment as your blood levels return to normal, and your hair begins to regrow.


Long-Term Effects to Be Aware Of


Unfortunately, both BEP and EP chemotherapies can lead to long-term side effects, including neuropathy (pins and needles sensation in hands and feet) and cold feet. These symptoms may improve within a year but can occasionally flare up. Don't hesitate to consult your GP for available treatments to alleviate these issues.


Lung Function Recovery


The recovery of lung function may require some time, especially when dealing with bleomycin-induced fibrosis, which is more associated with BEP chemotherapy. While this condition can be frustrating, discussing it with your oncologist and GP is crucial for monitoring and assistance. Most men report significant improvements within approximately 12 months.

Considerations for Specific Activities

If you have hobbies such as scuba diving or engage in activities using compressed air, it's vital to discuss them with your oncologist. Many men resume active lifestyles like running marathons and playing sports after treatment. Maintaining fitness can aid lung recovery. Also, refraining from smoking or vaping post-chemotherapy is advisable.


Sensitivity to High-Pitched Noises


Chemotherapy can heighten sensitivity to high-pitched sounds like clanging plates or children's screams. If this affects you, consider discussing it with your GP, as there may be treatments available.


Monitoring Hormone Levels


It's essential to undergo regular male hormone checks immediately after treatment and every six months thereafter. Some men experience drops in testosterone levels, which can manifest as symptoms like fatigue, depression, weight gain, loss of libido, and reduced vitality.

Remember, consulting your doctor about these side effects is crucial, as there are treatments and strategies that can help manage them.



Wheat grass drinks can help with recovery which can be found in most health food shops and even supermarkets. One big heaped teaspoon  in a glass of water in the moring may help with energy and detox

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