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Testicular cancer diagnosis

what happens next?

Please remember that this process can take up to six weeks before you see a cancer doctor , please join our group if you are worried and need a rant!

testicular Ultrasound scan

The ultrasound procedure involves you lying on a bed with your trousers and undies down. This scan is up to 99 per cent accurate in diagnosis.


They cover your scrotum with a gel and move a probe over your testicles to see if they can find anything suspicious such as a mass. Most men get a bit embarrassed having this done, but overall it's very easy and over quickly.  You will notice the nurse or doctor taking photos of the scan this is normal. It's unlikely that they will tell you if they have found something on the day and more than likely tell you the results will be sent to a urologist for further investigation. 


Get in there, get it done, and walk out with your head held high!!

testicular cancer ultrasound scan

The scan results will be seen by a specialist and this could take a few weeks.

Most men admit in our support group that waiting for news on results is especially hard mentally. It's important that you try to carry on as normal, try not to read the internet too much and wait to be contacted, 


We do suggest that once the scan is done you see your GP and let them know that it's done and if possible they could keep you informed of anything they receive ASAP because waiting is pretty hard when you've been told you may have cancer.  

orchiectomy- removal of testicle

When the specialist has looked over your scan and has concerns that it shows a tumour he will contact you to advise that removing the testicle with an operation is the best way to move forward. Although the ultrasound scan is very accurate in showing tumours on testicles the only real way to know is to take it out and send it away for further investigation. There are a few types of Testicular cancer so they will examine the testicle and make a decision on what type it is.


Men do wonder why do they remove the testicle and not just cut out the tumour?, the simple answer is if it is testicular cancer then your testicle is no good for you anymore and complete removal MAY stop it from spreading if found early enough. It's best out and gone.


Losing a testicle is can be an emotional experience and thoughts of feeling less of a man can creep in. This is normal and understandable just like women who lose breasts to cancer, men are no different. Some men feel " just get it out, get rid of it" as they know it's cancer and it's for the best. 


The operation to remove the testicle is in most men's experience a lot easier than they expect. The cut just above your penis and to the left or right of your penis and take it out through the front of the groin.

You will be put to sleep for the operation, it takes about an hour. Once you wake up you may find that although you feel a bit groggy there is very little pain and you can walk about normally within an hour. It is important you take it easy for a week or two, DO NOT lift anything and try not to wear tight pants that might rub on the wound. Ask your nurse about cleaning the wound and showering. You can get an infection in the area which normally shows by the area swelling and getting hot but it's rare. Make sure you get the number of the ward in case you have any trouble or need to ask for advice. Overall most men find the whole experience easier than they expected and are up and about within a week.

removing testicular cancer

Your testicle is sent away to see if it is a tumour and if so what type of cancer. Once they have the results the urologist will contact you to come in and discuss the results. this could take up to 3 weeks and waiting to know is not easy. Please be patient and also contact your GP and ask if possible could they keep you informed of any news.


If the Doctors confirm that is cancer they will also refer you to the oncology department (cancer). They may book you to have blood tests and a CT scan so the oncologist has all the results ready for when you see them.

testicular cancer CT SCAN

A Computed Tomography (CT) scan, also referred to as a CAT Scan, uses special x-ray equipment and computers to provide uniquely valuable cross-section images of soft tissue, bone and blood vessels inside the area of the body being examined.


You will be asked to drink an amount of water that has a contrast dye in it. 

You lie on the bed and it moves inside the scanner. You will be asked to hold your breath at some moments but only for a few seconds. It's a bit noisy and can get a bit claustrophobic but in all it's not anything to worry about.

 testicular cancer ct scan

The scan will be looking at first from your testicles upwards in the tummy and lung area to see if there are any signs of any tumours. Testicular cancer in most cases spreads through the Lymphatic system. The lymph nodes are a system of baked bean-shaped lumps that help fight infection. It's common for the nodes behind the tummy area to be the first place a spread. A ct scan is very accurate and helps your oncologist decide what the next action will be.

Blood tests for testicular cancer

About half of testicular cancer cases can have raised tumour markers. Tumour markers are found in the blood and can be used to determine what type of cancer you may have.


There are different types of testicular cancer and they are classed as


Pure seminoma -  a tumour with no signs of any other type, only seminoma.


This has a very high survival rate. it is less aggressive and more often found in older men but not unique to them.


Pure Seminoma in most cases does not show up in the blood but can have raised Human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) but never Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP)


When the lab looks at your testicle after it's removed they can see that it's pure seminoma with no signs of any other type of testicular cancer. They then will check CT scan results to see if it has spread into the body because, in most cases of pure seminoma, the blood tests come back normal.



Non-seminoma - It can be the most aggressive type of testicular cancer but has a very high survival rate.


It can be a mixture of other types of tumours including seminoma so it's called non-seminoma because it's not pure seminoma.


This type of cancer can raise certain blood markers which are


  • alpha feta protein (AFP) UK, normal is under 10 IU/L

  • human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) is normally less than 2 IU/L

  • lactate dehydrogenase (LDH)  normally is under 250 IU/L


If your blood tests show any raised tumour markers from the above, it can help the Oncologist know which type of cancer you have and how to move forward in the treatment. Many men get scared by having raised markers but it's helpful to the process if they start to return to normal after the removal of the testicle and if you go on chemo then it can show that the cancer is going away.



testicular cancer blood test

Being diagnosed with testicular cancer can be a staggering and life-altering experience. The initial shock of the diagnosis often leaves one feeling mortal and vulnerable, as if their world has suddenly been turned upside down. The prospect of having to undergo surgery to remove a testicle, a core part of one's identity, adds to the emotional turmoil.


However, the period between the diagnosis and meeting with an oncologist to discuss treatment options can be excruciatingly challenging. Waiting for the results of scans and blood tests is a time filled with uncertainty, anxiety, and countless "what if" scenarios. Every passing day feels like an eternity, as thoughts about the future and the potential need for chemotherapy weigh heavily on one's mind.


When finally meeting with the oncologist and receiving a treatment plan, there is a semblance of relief and structure that emerges. Having a roadmap for treatment, even if it involves chemotherapy, provides a sense of direction in the midst of chaos. Yet, the emotional toll endures because the uncertainty remains. It becomes a matter of enduring not only the physical rigors of treatment but also the mental strain of not knowing how one's body will respond and what the future holds.


Throughout this journey, support from loved ones, medical professionals, and the power of resilience play a crucial role in navigating the challenging terrain of testicular cancer.

Once all the tests are done your oncologist will have an idea of what treatment you will need. Again it could be up to 6 weeks before all the results are in and you are seeing the cancer specialist 


Waiting can be a stressful time. Please join our support group as there are many men who have been in this situation and will gladly listen and chat.

Testicular cancer UK 


testicular cancer infomation flims


Testicular cancer  testicular cancer stories  germ cell testicular cancer symptoms  testicular cancer diagnosis  Testicular cancer charity  Testicular cancer support  Testicular cancer videos  testicular cancer education
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